Friday, March 18, 2016


Dear students,
I am so inspired by this last round of blogs. Whether you blogged about your experience performing at the Winter Arts Festival, did internet research and found relevant articles to dance, or related other life experiences to dance, reading your thoughtful entries was very meaningful to me. I truly believe I have the BEST JOB IN THE WHOLE WORLD and I am so lucky to have such intelligent, hard working, awesome dancers such as yourselves. Thanks for making my job the coolest. I'm very much looking forward to the work will do the next 3 months. I'm so excited to see your dances that you'll be choreographing our last two months of school. Keep up the amazing work, everyone!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Misty Copeland and Barack Obama Interview

Please click on the link above to see an interview that came out today in Time magazine and their website with Misty Copeland and Barack Obama. They discuss body image amongst young women, especially women of color. I feel very passionately about this topic. There is no right body type for dance. It is so important that we as a society continue to encourage women's confidence with their bodies. The full length 30 minute interview is also available online. President Obama and Misty Copeland talk about what it meant to them to grow up African American in a county that faces discrimination. I am so inspired by this interview and feel that these conversations are so very important.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Marking Period 2 Blog Extension!!

Hi Dancers,

I have extended the date for the blog to Friday March 11, 2016. You're welcome :)

Remember to include 3 entries and 5 sentences per entry.

Happy blogging,
Ms. Farrell

Friday, October 9, 2015

Instructions for 10/14 and 10/16

Hi Dancers!

I reserved the quiet room for you next week when I am at Camp Bernie so that you can work on your blogs. Details for what day and what period are on my door. Each class will only meet once in the quiet room during those 3 days. Some days 8th grade has salsa and 704/5/6 has an extra day to rehearse the current dance we are working on in the dance room.

Directions for your day in the quiet room are listed below.

1. Create your blog (if you have not yet done so). Email me the address to or post a comment below with your address. Skip this step if you have a blog already.

2. Create 3 blog entries. Please feel free to spend time doing research on different websites about what you want to blog about.

3. If you complete all 3 blog entries, go ahead and add to your reading list everyone's blog that is listed in my previous blog post.

4. Choose a few classmates blogs to read. Make 2 comments on a classmate or schoolmate's blog. It is okay to comment on a friend from another class or grade level. You must make a total of 2 comments. One can be to one classmate and one can be to a grademate or both comments can be to the same person.

5. If you still have extra time, continue reading blog posts including mine!

6. If you've read at least 10 blog posts and still have time, you may work on another assignment for another class or read a book.

Happy blogging! I'll miss you! -Ms. Farrell

Thursday, October 8, 2015

7th and 8th grade blog addresses

To follow a blog, go to reading list and click add. Type in the addresses below by typing www.(the person who’s blog you want to follow listed below) For example to follow Jacob in 704/5/6 type in Then select add and continue to add people to follow until you’re done. Then click follow and you should see all the links to the blogs you followed on the left hand side of the webpage, plus a newsfeed of blog entries in the center.


  1. Eva- luna253
  2. Dominique
  3. Jacob- dancejg
  4. Mikala- mikalag
  5. Fifi- phalestineh
  6. Jessisca- jessicadance1212
  7. Rosie- blogggywogggy
  8. Brisa- brisadanceblog
  9. Mahrukh- mahrukhqueen
  10. Ellie- ellie03
  11. Jaylynn- jaylynnm
  12. Will M- mellquistwilliam
  13. Rackya- rackyasdanceblog
  14. Will T-
  15. Makai- mcmakaisdance
  16. Caleb- calebdance
  17. Kai- kaizabetakisdance


  1. Amos- amosdanceblog
  2. Alexei- aadanceblogms447
  3. Holly- hollysdanceblog
  4. Genovia-
  5. Morgan- morgandance12
  6. Abigail-
  7. Gianluca-
  8. Lizzie- lizziesdanceblog
  9. Amelia- marchtojupiter
  10. Paige- pklewis
  11. Isaac- isaacsdancekick
  12. Flavia- flaviamazzeidance
  13. Ginger- gingermullendance
  14. Carter- carterscottdanceblog
  15. Pippa- pippasdanceblog
  16. Oscar- oscartdance
  17. Zeke- zekeyzeke


  1. Imani- danceida13
  2. Manny- mannyelvis
  3. Gabby C- gabbycdance
  4. Katie- katiedanceblogs
  5. Brooklyn- bksdanceblog
  6. Kaitlyn- kaitlynsdanceblog
  7. Janice- janicesdanceclassblog
  8. Daniel- lindostacks
  9. Ashley- ashley429dance
  10. Eden- enmdanceblog
  11. Gabby P- gabbypile
  12. Dylan- projectbeezus
  13. Lucy- lucywattenbarger


  1. Shanyah-
  2. Eli- eliswag02
  3. Taliyah- mattsdabeast
  4. Tiye-
  5. Danielle-
  6. April- aprilkoffisdanceblog
  7. Jordan- jkoffi
  8. Arya- aryams447dance
  9. Emma-
  10. Anthony- anythonysdanceblog
  11. Maya- mayams447danceblog
  12. Elon- elonreid
  13. Abby- abby447dance
  14. Margareta- margaretadance
  15. Eddie-

Monday, September 21, 2015

Broken Robot

Today in class a lot of you had problems creating your new blog. Please do so ASAP and make sure you are following this blog also. When you have created your blog please comment below on this post with your blog address. Thanks!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Entry 3, Marking Period 1

Please watch this short documentary about dance in the public schools. I feel it describes so well what dance is in school. The students are teachers are so amazing. I am so grateful to work at such a wonderful school with such awesome movers. We are doing great work here and all students should be so fortunate to have a beautiful dance studio and supportive community. I am attaching two dance photos of me as a kid as that is part of the movement. If you watch the documentary you can see me for about 2 seconds in the professional development section about to dance.